Continuing Education for Spiritual Directors

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During my time with Scott, I have leaned into the possibility of yes. He holds up a mirror to remind me of my sacred self in moments when my recognition grows dim. I continue to be grateful for choosing the blessing of spiritual direction with Scott. - Mara

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Scott has an uncanny ability to get at the root of the issue. His years of experience working with hospital patients, chaplains, seminarians, students, and clients naturally shines through in his thoughtful questions, observations and comments. I often seek Scott’s wise counsel to help resolve my concerns. - Helen

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It’s not just Scott’s wisdom or skill as a spiritual director that is exceptional, but also his presence. Scott’s grace, love and acceptance have been powerful and profoundly healing for me. His guidance has a way of helping me to get in touch with my own inner teacher within and always inspires me be who I am and live out my truth with hope. Thanks Scott. - Bill

Spiritual Direction

Apprenticeship Training

A Certificate Program


Blog & Videos for Spiritual Directors


Sojourners Institute approach to spiritual Direction & Training