Enneagram Offerings
Or start learning about the Enneagram with our YouTube video series
The Enneagram invites us on a journey, releasing us from stuck-ness and freeing us to live authentically. It's the journey of a "deepened self in a widened world."
So you’ve tried to get out of those same old personal ruts and nothing has helped. That was the case for me too, until I found the Enneagram. Well, truth be told, I still get in ruts, but now I recognize them before they swallow me up!
The Enneagram is the best tool I know of for changing those personal patterns that we’ve tried and failed to change a hundred times!
It is a sacred psychology that has ancient, spiritual roots. When we locate our personality type (there are 9 of them), it makes so much sense of our struggles and gifts. But the magic of the Enneagram is how it maps a clear way for our spiritual growth and how we access our higher potentials as a human being.
It is a system that uses a nine-pointed figure to portray nine basic personality styles. Each type sees the world very differently. The aim of this holistic model is to break us free from our dominant type so that we can access the riches of all nine types. The world and our option open way up as we are liberated from the exclusive domain of our type!
“Our Enneagram type is not who we are - it’s what keeps us from being who we are.” - Anne Muree
My particular focus is how the Enneagram is a catalyst for personal evolution, and how it’s a powerful map for change that leads us into expanding spiritual awareness.
It is being used extensively in leadership coaching and training, schools of business, the CIA, the postal service, seminaries and medical schools.
Our Other Offerings
The Enneagram is powerful tool for waking up. I work with individual and couples to expand personal awareness. This includes our predictable patterns of getting stuck, and how we become more free and vital.
I provide this support for both individuals and couples.
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I work with individuals and couples through a two-phase process to explore your dominant types, and the powerful insights that this awareness brings.
Through various methods that are both fun and fascinating, we uncover mysteries that are locked inside our type.
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Group settings are great contexts for learning the Enneagram.
These high energy sessions are designed to combine presentations, small and large group discussion, and exercises that help participants apply the content to their everyday lives.
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The Enneagram is a powerful map for how people, leaders and teams can journey to greater empowerment and effectiveness.
It’s profound personality and spiritual insights create great traction for coaching that leads to deep change.
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Scott McRae’s Background
I have been an avid student of the Enneagram since 1996, and have taught the Enneagram to thousands of people in corporate, educational and church settings. Along with my certification for the Full Circle Enneagram program, I have an extensive background in both spiritual and human development, a certification in coaching, and over a thousand hours of spiritual guidance work.
I am grateful for the many teachers who influence me, including Beatrice Chestnut, William Shaffer, Ginger Lapid-Bogda, Anne Muree, Russ Hudson, Christopher Heuertz, Don Riso, and Helen Palmer.
More about the Enneagram
Each of the 9 types has a unique perspective on the world. In a sense, a type filters how we perceive reality. While the names for the types vary, here’s one way they get described, along with some common questions that become clearer when we determine our type.
What are the strengths and shadow aspect of my type?
What are the personality patterns that that I favor?
Why do I seem to get stuck in the same ruts?
How do I react to conflict?
What patterns do I use to relate to people and why do I use them?
Where does my focus of attention usually go in my life and work?
What style of leadership does my type predispose me to?
What helps me to grow and to move toward greater wholeness?
The Enneagram Symbol