What We’re About
We created Sojourners Institute because we believe that coming home to our true spiritual nature is personal work that changes everything in our lives.
Based in Minneapolis, MN, but reaching a global community, we offer educational classes and programs, along with individual sessions. We aim at guiding people to a fuller and freer life.
And we extend these offerings with the belief that each step that expands our spiritual lives weaves healing and love into the fabric of our broken world.
Our 7 Core Principles
1. God is within us incarnationally
We are lovingly created good and the Divine speaks to us from within our embodiment
We seek oneness with God, not moral perfection
2. God is within all of creation incarnationally
The earth and all of creation is a sacred revelation of the Divine
Oneness with creation is healing for humanity and the body of the earth
3. The radiance of Divinity flows out as Love
Divine Love conspires for our well-being, and holds infinite possibilities for life and for us
Pain and suffering hold openings for growth
4. Empowered by Divine love, human consciousness is expanding
Human consciousness expands as cooperation weaves into increasing complexity.
Expanding consciousness that is guided by Love is compassionate and transformational
5. We are called to engage darkness, live in hope, and spread light.
We engage darkness and descent as essential aspects of birth and becoming
Whether in darkness or light, our work is to orient to and inspire peace and kindness toward all
6. Contemplation and community are the main channels through which we open to
Divine Presence and Guidance
We seek to cultivate presence that is mindful, heart-centered, and intuitively led
We seek to cultivate heartfelt community that and its healing potential in the world
7. All religions and spiritualties grounded in Love are expressions of the Divine
We work to build bridges that promote understanding
We honor our distinctions, and celebrate our commonalities