Very few of us were drawn to spiritual work because we wanted to run a business. However, once we start seeing clients, running groups, or selling products, it quickly becomes clear that the necessities of business have wiggled their way into our lives.
I’m teaching a course for those who are feeling inept or overwhelmed when it comes to the administrative, marketing, and logistics side of things. It’s for practitioners who want to start, or feel more confident about, their spiritual business - and yes, business can indeed be a spiritual undertaking!
It’s called Business Basics for Spiritual Practitioners: Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt as You Gain Traction with your Business. The deadline for registering is Monday, Sept 18. This is a 2-part Zoom class. :
Session 1: The Why, Who & What of Your Business
Session 2: Marketing, Practicalities & the Most Important Thing to Remember
We’ll start by lifting up what is unique about spiritual businesses, the unique heart-space that supports our line of work. We’ll identify 6 key aspects of effective spiritual business, including how we define ourselves and our practices, how we think about marketing, what practical essentials are needed, and what best practices help businesses get off the ground and stay healthy.
The approach of this course is rooted in the belief that a heart-based business is first and foremost a spiritual enterprise, and secondly, that there are practical steps we can take to allow things to run more easily and efficiently.
This class is for anyone who is being paid for spiritual services, no matter how large or how small.
Check out this brief video introduction and check out this link for more information. I hope to see you there!