The mind likes concepts. The heart loves images.
In a merely conceptual conversation, we spiritual directors will talk with a client about how to nurture their spiritual life. There is certainly a place for this kind of discussion, but it can easily sideline the heart.
A heart-based conversation gets activated by creativity, by images, by out-of-the box explorations.
I invite you to explore an image with me here, and see what it stirs in your heart: picture a pilot light…
A pilot light is a little flame that burns continuously and enables us to use our ovens and gas fireplaces. If that pilot light goes out, a steady leak of gas soon makes our house a dangerous place to live.
As the owner of a gas fireplace, I keep my eye on it to make sure the pilot light is functioning. One morning, I discovered it had gone out. I caught it early, so fortunately, there was no gas buildup or danger. My numerous efforts to restart it failed.
So, I call for an outside intervention from a technician. He soon came and it turned out to be a quick call - I learned I just needed to hold down a button long enough . . . .
Every person - every client - has a kind of pilot light in their inner being. It’s that inner flame that values and activates spiritual awareness and guidance. It often burns unnoticed within. Sometimes it goes out.
Our human pilot lights can be extinguished by fear, overwork, stress, loss, boredom, overwhelm, uncertainty, disruption, and more. A lot of people and clients are suffering from the hardship of an inner light that has gone out. If this extinguished feeling goes on for very long, there becomes a dangerous buildup they don’t know how to manage.
A spiritual direction session can be like a technician call. It can be space and conversation where we help clients “hold the button” long enough so they can restart their own pilot light.
Our sessions can go on to help them tend their pilot light through a thousand small things throughout their day. We remind them that this inner fire is fueled by things that give us life: love of self, love of others, service, quiet moments of serenity, a pet, sacred texts, learning, the satisfaction of a job well done, beauty, caring, the list could go on and on.
When I meet with client Marcia, for example, we spend significant time on each of the following questions, and as we do so we wind into some very deep terrain for her:
I hear you are exhausted and feeling overwhelmed. Would you say your inner pilot light of Spirit has gone out?
What is making it hard for this light to stay lit?
What are some small things that will help you tend to this sacred fire within you?
So, try it out. Use this image with a client. Or maybe one of the other thousands of images will work better for you and the client who is with you.
Whatever you do, trust your heart. Tend to your own pilot light. And always look for the creative edge that makes the heart come alive in you and your clients.