I love sitting with another human and going with them into the deep places of their lives. I love spiritual direction.
I love guiding clients as they wind their way down to the “aha’s,” the realizations that help them leave our session different from when we started. It doesn’t happen every time, but it does happen enough that I leave most sessions saying, "I love this work!"
It hasn’t always been that way. Believe me. I’ve had plenty of sessions that were “just fine.” But at a certain point, I decided I was no longer satisfied with “just fine.”
Now I’m doing spiritual guidance work very differently than when I started. In the early days I was in my head. Now my heart and my bodily sensations are much more present.
And, I am helping clients access the deep knowing and presence that comes when they access the expansive intelligence through a relaxed body, an open heart, and a quiet mind.
In this series of blogs, I’ll share with you what I’ve learned over my 30 years in this field. I’ll pull back the curtain on the perspectives and tools that have changed how I guide clients.
What I know is I’ve had 100 “aha’s” for every one of my client’s “aha’s”. And I want to share with you the main revelations that have led to my 3-centered (body, heart, head), presence-based spiritual guidance approach.
In this video, I share the backstory of how I got to where I am today. I share my main struggles, and a few of the epiphanies, that are woven into my unique approach to spiritual direction. I also share what I believe are the 4 keys elements needed in a vibrant spiritual direction practice.
I hope this brings you some “aha’s,” and encouragement for your own journey. I hope it brings you into a more confident and inspired form of spiritual direction.
My next post and video will look at the crucial topic of having a system that serves as the foundation of spiritual direction practice. In the meantime, I hope you spend some time with this video, share it with your colleagues, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and try out another of my Essential Practices for Spiritual Directors.
Essential Practices for Spiritual Directors
Do you have a Method Statement, statement that summarizes your particular approach to spiritual direction work? This is crucial in helping clients know how you help them. Check out this example from my website: What is Spiritual Direction?
Do you know people who would enjoy exploring this Spiritual Direction Learning Lab? If so, please let them know about these resources, and encourage them to subscribe using this link: Spiritual Direction Learning Lab Sign-up
Thank you for being on the journey. The world and your future clients need you!