Spiritual Direction Certificate Program

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Do you feel drawn to be a spiritual guide for others?

I am now offering a 1-1 Apprentice Model of Spiritual Direction Training


Is This Spiritual Guidance Work For You?

Walking with another human being on the journey of spiritual growth is, in my humble opinion, the most important and fulfilling work on the planet.

It is also some of the most challenging work, and those that take on this training need to commit to regular personal, spiritual work and learning.

The apprentice program is designed for those who value a diversity of spiritual and faith expressions. It is for those who feel called to guide one-to-one or group spiritual direction sessions.

The training is also suited to other helping professionals who want to add a spiritual guidance perspective to their current work (such as psychotherapists, health practitioners, ministers and chaplains).

You can read more about “should I become a spiritual director” here.

How is This Process & Perspective Different from Others

I am careful about assessing potential for those who apply to this process. Many programs take people that have a general interest in spiritual direction. Due to the difficulty of the craft, few who complete training programs actually end up doing spiritual direction.

For this reason, a one-on-one, apprentice-model approach helps personalize the training and provides a deep-dive into both theory and practice, and also into the unique issues and gifts that arise for those who train under this approach.

The process is grounded in contemplative spirituality and a unique skill-building approach to learning the art and craft of spiritual direction. My 3-Phase Model of Spiritual Guidance is the result of years of trial and error and study. It identifies the specifics competencies that are needed in each of the 3 phases of spiritual direction. And, it is theoretically grounded in an adult learning model and a stage model of human development.

You can read more about my unique approach and the Sojourner Spiritual Direction Blueprint here.

The 3-Phase Model of Spiritual Care – representing the longer-term journey with a client

  • Phase 1 – Spiritual Holding

  • Phase 2 – Spiritual Engaging

  • Phase 3 – Spiritual Guiding

Whereas many spiritual direction programs take a “broad brush” approach to spiritual direction, this process identifies the mechanics and techniques of spiritual guidance work, with the belief that the more technically skilled we are, the more freely we can exercise the art of the craft.

Click Here for More Information on How it Works

My Qualifications

I’ve been doing various forms of spiritual guidance and mentoring for over 30 years, with over 550 individuals, and over 4700 hours of supervising spiritual work. He has diverse experience and education that includes:

  • Over 21 years as a Spiritual Director

  • Over 17 years as a teacher in Spiritual Direction training programs

  • Founder of and lead teacher at Sojourners Institute

  • Certification through the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education as a Certified Educator (current)

  • Chaplain Educator at the University of MN Hospital through M Health Fairview (current)

  • Certified Enneagram teacher

  • Masters of Divinity degree from Yale University

  • Ordination as a Lutheran Pastor with parish and campus ministry experience

  • I have authored the chapter on spiritual direction in the book Courageous Conversations: The Teaching and Learning of Pastoral Supervision

  • I have a YouTube Learning Lab Channel that features videos on Spiritual Direction and on the Enneagram

Next Steps: Email Scott to express interest or if you have questions