This Practice Will Enlarge Your Presence

Here’s the interesting thing about the people you admire: You wouldn’t notice them if you didn’t already possess some of what you admire in them.

Maybe there was a teacher who changed your life, through her ability to see deeply into you. It impacted you so powerfully because you see deeply into others (and you saw deeply into her).

Each of us has qualities of presence that have yet to be developed. We have talents that are like gifts waiting to be unwrapped.

One way to identify these latent capacities is to reflect on a few of those people who you deeply admire.

Who’s on your Mount Rushmore?

If you were to commission the creation of your personal Mount Rushmore, who are the four people you would put on it? Are they dead, alive, or some of each? Are they relatives, saints, entertainers, great minds?

Think about three or four of your heroines or heroes. Think of each of them as a personal mentor. Think of them as a key to unlocking a part of you that wants to show up more fully in your work as a spiritual director. It’s fun! It’s powerful!

The ability to activate a higher capacity as you sit with a client, activates more of you. Your presence enlarges. As your presence expands, you invite forward greater presence in your client. And from there, the gates of eternity open and, well . . . , look out!

Can I Help?

If you are looking for 1-1 support, I offer supervision, or coaching as I prefer to call it, and would love to explore working with you. We can work on growing or deepening your practice. Check out my Spiritual Direction Coaching offerings.

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Thanks for being on the journey. The world and your future clients need you!