During my morning meditation, this thought dropped into my awareness: “I want to encourage those on my spiritual direction list to seriously consider my next 4th Way Group.”
I’m always intentional about using a “soft sell” approach to the offerings I have. I’m turned off by pushy promotions, and I believe people will be drawn to the things they need when they need them. And I still hold this perspective.
And then I think back to some of the programs I’ve invested in. I realize that a strong encouragement from someone I trusted paid off in ways beyond my imagining.
As we do the work of spiritual guidance, or as we attend to our own spiritual practice, one of the greatest impediments is routine and sameness. Without exception, the programs that have really made a difference for me required sacrifices to make them work, and they were more money than I was comfortable spending. Yet in each case, I had a deep knowing that “I need to do this.”
Some examples: A spiritual business retreat with Sufi master, Mark Silver, in New York. Getting certified as an Infinite Possibilities trainer with Mike Dooley, and as a leadership consultant with the Leadership Circle group. In ways that surprised me, each of these trainings significantly shifted how I worked with clients and with myself!
So this leads me to say to you, I hope you will seriously consider our 4th Way Group starting up in January on Zoom. If you join this small “Presence and Practice” group, I believe it will impact your spiritual journey and your work with clients, on multiples level and in a wide variety of ways.
This will be our sixth version of this group. It is being refined and deepened with each iteration. I Invite you to check out more information on the group here, and send me an email if you have any questions. Thanks for considering.