What would happen if you became more sassy in your spiritual direction?
How does this question hit you? Does it excite you? Offend you? Scare you? All or none of the above?
Each spiritual director has a voice that is real and honest. It’s the voice that comes forth when we are with our closest family members and friends. It’s not quite unfiltered but close.
Using more of this voice is a real game-changer in spiritual direction work.
We often fear that being real can bring harm to our clients. We think it isn’t professional enough, or we feel it isn’t spirituality appropriate.
Finding your secret sass is about speaking from your soul rather than a role (how we think we SHOULD be). Our sassy self tells the truth in a fun, friendly, and caring way.
Sure we can overdo this voice in ways that are off-putting. And most spiritual directions programs train this real self out of us through their over-reliance on listening and fear of being overly-directive.
In my work of supervising hundreds of spiritual practitioners, I can honestly say that there are only a fraction of people where I encourage someone to tone down their sassiness.
For most of us, the move to become more real, more relaxed, is the movement from cautiousness to courage. It’s about intentionally checking ourselves in sessions and asking ourselves if we are being honest and authentic. The more we practice this move, the more confident we become. And, the more effective we will be.
The truth is that it’s very rare that we harm clients. And, if we see that a comment we make isn’t received well, we check in with them and apologize, if necessary.
Spiritual guidance work goes to another level when speak freely from our hearts. And doing so gives permission for clients to also be transparent and authentic. There is a spiritual truth that says that deep calls to deep.
When you find your secret sass, you have found a deep well from which to do this life-changing work.
Here’s a video where I share more about the power of Finding Your Secret Sass - I hope that’s exactly what you tap into in your next session with a client: