Helping Clients Expand Their “Sometimes”


Usually I commute to and from work while listening to a podcast, NPR, or sports radio. Sometimes I turn everything off, become aware of my breathing, look for birds, and think of things I’m grateful for.

Usually I walk through the halls to get from point A to point B, with a lot of scrambled thoughts running through my head. Sometimes I walk through the halls, smile at those I pass, and send them a silent blessing.

Usually I work at my computer and do the most urgent thing that pops into my mind. Sometimes I take a deep breath, look at the bigger picture of my work, and do the most important thing.

Usually I enter into meetings, listen carefully, and wait for things to happen. Sometimes I sit in a meeting and reflect on how I might add the best of myself to the task at hand.

Our lives shift when we expand our Sometimes.

These sometimes are moments when we move from a diffused awareness to the clarity of presence. It reflects a coming home to the body, heart, and mind in a way that helps us tap their higher intelligence.

Clients come to us and share a lot of usuallys. Underneath these are glimpses of the life they’d like to be living. Underneath the usuallys are the sometimes that clients often lose touch with. We enliven sessions by listening for the glimpses of the More. and pounce on them! We deepen sessions by shining a light on their sometimes moments.

And what is exciting is that as we cultivate an eye for the sometimes, these potent moments become more and more usual.