Back in the day, we turned a dial to tune into a given TV or radio station. If we were off the mark, we just got static.
Day to day, we spend much of our time in the static of our own inner thoughts, fears, disappointments, hopes, fantasies, plans, critiques, judgments, etc. Letting go is a way we tune into a clear channel in ourselves.
Letting go shifts us into a momentary presence that is relaxed, wise, alert, and spacious. It cleans our inner air of mental and emotional static. It clears the channel so that we able to drop into the present moment in a way that is grounded and open.
The combination of clearing away static and coming into the present moment is empowering. We get empowered with clean and clear Lifeforce. It’s pure gift and potent Grace.
How does the simple practice of “letting go” work? There are many ways to do it. Here’s a practice that it works for me:
When I become aware that I’m caught in a frustration, fear, impasse, etc., I take a deep inhale and breathe out a release. This is the embodied part of letting go.
I envision holding the problem in my hands, and I mentally release it into the heavens. This is the emotional or mental part of entrusting my problem to my Higher Power.
I bring my awareness back into my body, and listen and feel for an echo effect. It could be the recognition of a Divine breath breathing with me, or a still, small voice saying, “let it go” or “thank you.” This is a felt sense, a residual inner cleaning and clearing.
I then listen and feel for the wisdom of the higher mind and heart, and intuition of what to do next. This is where I experience the empowerment. I often am guided to act or not act according to the higher knowing that comes with letting go. And I feel strong and confident with my decision, my knowing.
Our mental and emotional patterns are deep and intense. Some days letting go is easier than others. But it is a capacity we can develop and deepen with practice.
This week Sojourners is starting our book study on David R. Hawkins’ Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender. This is a deep dive into what blocks the letting go process and what supports it. There’s still time to sign up and learn more here:
And either way, I hope you give yourself the gift of letting go more this year!
Join our book study here!