The Question That Changes Everything

“Isn’t that interesting?”

This question can change everything.

Do you ever:

  • Feel lonely or isolated?

  • Seek out food or alcohol to fill an inner emptiness?

  • Struggle to tame the inner critic’s attack on yourself or others?

  • Get tired of tensions or conflicts with your partner or colleagues?

  • Get tired from giving too much of yourself away in trying to please others?

Who among us does not get emotionally buried underneath some or most of these?

How can you dig yourself out of this emotional quick sand?

Ask the question: Isn’t that interesting?

It’s a simple question with a transformative result — the key is that you have to be genuinely curious!

This question wakes up your inner observer. It elevates you into your higher mind. I opens a space for something empowering to come in.

Your curious observer lives in a different brain neighborhood than your critical, anxious self. When your curious observer is awakened, things slow down, and your attention sharpens. It’s literally a mini-meditation moment.

  • Feeling so tired of feeling put down by your boss? Isn’t that interesting.

  • Exhausted from never ever having enough time for yourself? Isn’t that interesting.

  • Insert your favorite struggle . . . . . . . Isn’t that interesting.

The capacity to look upon yourself with care and curiosity, especially when you feel a difficult emotion or a powerful urge, is a great evolutionary leap. It shifts you from a creature of habit to an awakened creator. Isn't that interesting!