What happens to us beyond this life? What unfolds, or doesn’t unfold, after we die? It may be that the greatest mystery that confronts us human beings…
Emptiness: a Problem or a Promise
Which Religion Links to Your Enneagram Type?
A Simple Practice with Profound Results
Spiritual Knowing: Beyond the Either-Or
The Deepest of Comforts: Inner Spiritual Guidance
Why Your Brain Thrives on Spirituality
The Enneagram: Training our Attention and Awakening to Presence
What Happens in a 4th Way Group?
Where Are You Spiritually Located?
When meeting with a client, I often think about their spirituality as inhabiting a “spiritual location.” Where does your spirituality live right now? On the never-ending spiritual journey, where do you feel most at home these days? I’m often asking myself these same questions. I’ve learned to see our spiritual locations in four categories: dwelling, seeking, practicing, and experiencing…
Is It Time to Join a Spiritual Practice Group?
Are You Having Spiritual Fun?
The Enneagram: Guiding us from Judgment to Wholeness
The Gateway to Wellbeing: Attending to Attention
It’s strange how hard it can be to pay attention. Without concentration, our attention follows random thoughts, appetites, and habits. Without focus, we are sleepwalkers, habit machines, and distraction chasers. In so doing, we detract from powerful forces and feelings within that lead us to wellbeing…
How to Live in a Universe that is Conspiring for Your Wellbeing
Did you know you are living in a universe that is conspiring for your wellbeing? I believe it’s so. I believe our reality is infused with grace. I believe our world is seeking to make more life out of life, to enable our growth with a fundamental abundance. If you want to join me in this belief, here are 7 ways to optimize your life in a generous universe…
Living with a Well-Crowded Life
The Magic in Mayonnaise
Have you ever made mayonnaise? You should. It’s wild. It’s wonderful. Magic happens before your eyes. Funnily enough, this culinary miracle speaks to what it’s like to be on the spiritual journey - growing from our ego into our essence. Don’t believe me that there could be a spirituality of mayo? Let me explain…